Recording -Series – The Art of Seeing: Astral Travel, Bi-Location, Remote Viewing and Seeing, and Shape Shifting



with Hanakia Ek-Way Zedek, 

Speaker, Teacher, Author, Shaman, Mystic, Poet, Warrior-Sage, and Minister – Minneapolis, MN 

About These Gatherings:

“The Art of Seeing” is a 4 week series that will reveal and allow us to utilize our innate abilities to See/Perceive beyond our 5 senses into the depth of experiential awareness.

· Recording – Week 1 – you will learn to Astral Travel (With Your Body), so as to remain protected.

· Recording – Week 2 – you will be trained in how to Bi-Locate, to be in more than one place at time.

· Recording  – Week 3 – you will learn how to Remote View and See/Perceive a place or area no matter how far away.

·Recording  –  Week 4 – you will learn the preliminaries of Shape Shifting such as being able to enter other animals and See/Perceive/Experience, Through Their Eyes.

Questions: or Dee (507) 276-5453