Recording: Celebrating Hanakia Ek-Way Zedek – May 28th (video is listed below)
Celebrating Hanakia Ek-Way Zedek
Speaker, Teacher, Author, Shaman, Mystic, Poet, Philosopher, Warrior-Sage, Minister, and Inspiration
with Lauri Ann Lumby
About This Gathering:
As many of you know, Hanakia left his physical body on 4/12/24. After passionately assisting others to let go and to be who they really are, he has merged with the nothingness that he espoused, slipping “even deeper therein.”
In this gathering we honor what Hanakia has brought to us, and how he has changed our lives.
Please watch here.
More about Hanakia:
Hanakia showed us that we have inherent knowledge, wisdom, and power that can be applied in daily life and that this leads to fulfillment. In 1980, Hanakia began to teach professionally. He was an international speaker who offered countless lectures, classes, seminars, retreats, and events.
Hanakia challenged us to let go and held us in power as we did so.
He was the creator of The Philosophy of Nothing. His elaborate Destination Website continues to offer poetic teachings in Mysticism, Warriorship, Paradigm Shifting, Wizardry, Seeing, Nothingness, Tao~Zen, Quantum Mechanics, Shamanism, Moving Beyond Belief: (Audio Files), Crackin’ The Code: (Daily Things To Look At.) and a 120 Audio Card Oracle: (A Sublimation System) that goes deeper than Tarot or Divination. His book, “Tao~Zen Verses,” is available through Whistling Shade Press.
For more about Hanakia, please see: Lauri can be reached at