Recording – Becoming a Depth Worker: Stepping into Personal Work that Actually Works


Becoming a Depth Worker is next-level training. As opposed to going up and ascending, we go down and in, to the root of all issues and into personal freedom. We are released from the traps and beliefs of the surface reality and of having to say, “I thought that I worked on that already” and into the real work of change, growth, healing, release, personal power and freedom.


with Hanakia Ek-Way Zedek,
Speaker, Teacher, Author, Shaman, Mystic, Poet, Warrior-Sage, and Minister – Minneapolis, MN

Cost: $40.00

Recording link will be sent after purchase

Questions: or Dee (507) 276-5453

About This Gathering:

Becoming a Depth Worker is next-level training. As opposed to going up and ascending, we go down and in, to the root of all issues and into personal freedom. We are released from the traps and beliefs of the surface reality and of having to say, “I thought that I worked on that already” and into the real work of change, growth, healing, release, personal power and freedom.

In this session you will learn:

· How to step below the surface and submerge to your depth

· How to do real long-lasting work

· To let go of having to be nice; learn to speak your truth

· To live beyond the net

“Join us to step into the next level; into Depth Work; into personal freedom!” HZ

More about Hanakia:

Hanakia shows us that we have inherent knowledge, wisdom, and power that can be applied in daily life and that this leads to fulfillment. Hanakia has been teaching professionally since 1980. He is an international speaker who has offered countless lectures, classes, seminars, retreats, events, and more!

He is the creator of The Philosophy Of Nothing and has an elaborate Destination Website where he offers poetic teachings in Mysticism, Warriorship, Paradigm Shifting, Wizardry, Seeing, Nothingness, Tao~Zen, Quantum Mechanics, Shamanism, Moving Beyond Belief: (Audio Files), Crackin’ The Code: (Daily Things To Look At.) and a 120 Audio Card Oracle: (A Sublimation System) that goes deeper than Tarot or Divination. His book, “Tao~Zen Verses,” is available through Whistling Shade Press.

Please join us! Hanakia is available for individual consultations through his Website. For more about Hanakia, please see: This Session may be rated R for Strong Language.

Past sessions may be purchased on