Christia Cummings-Slack

Christia was born an artist, empath, clairvoyant, and a channel of Spirit. In 1991, while working on her Master’s Thesis in Italy’s Umbria region, she discovered that the doodles that she had been drawing her entire life, were symbols from ancient cultures. In 1995, she had a spiritual awakening with a chorus of Angels — a momentous event in her life – which opened her up to Spirit and the magical, inspirational multi-dimensional Universe. Around this same time, Arch Angel Gabriel, a communicator between heaven and Earth, placed his horn in her Throat Chakra, allowing her voice to be an instrument of Angelic Healing. Christia is a pure channel of the highest Love and Light and is in service to the Light. Christia is a certified Angelic Life Coach, an Ordained Minister, an Usui Reiki Master/Teacher, and holds a Bachelor and a Master of Fine Arts in painting.,,,